Record Your Sales Calls

Record your sales calls for free and with no required sign-up using Reverb Record.

Recordings live in the cloud and are shared with mentors or colleagues for review using a link. You can email this link, share it over messengers, or share it through online portals.

Recordings are anonymous and can be deleted at any time.

Click "LINK" to share a sales call

Share instantly with mentors and colleagues

Recording and sharing of sales calls is made to be fast and intuitive.

  1. Click the microphone to start recording. Put your phone on speaker. Make the call. Click the microphone again when you’re done.
  2. Give your recording a title.
  3. Click “LINK” to copy your recording link.
  4. Share that link with your advisor, work colleagues, or anyone else.
  5. Recordings are instantly playable for recipients and load lightning quick. Downloading for recipients is not allowed.

Recordings are stored until you choose to delete them.

Free and optional sign-up

Recording, sharing, and playing are all free. This is a free tool.

Sign-up is optional, but with an account, you receive the ability to manage your recordings. You can delete them, retitle them, search through them, and go back to old recordings you lost the link to.

Recordings stay private

Get peace of mind knowing your recordings are private. When you share a recording, the recipient cannot see who created it. The only elements shown are the title and the play button.

You share the information you want shared and have full control over what’s seen and heard.

Again, there is no downloading of recordings allowed in order to further enhance privacy.

A playable sales call recording - no information is shown other than the title
Delete your recordings at any time

Delete any time

With an optional account, you can delete your recordings at any time.

You can search through titles to find old recordings you’d like to delete or delete a new recording immediately after analyzing it with a colleague.

When a recording is deleted, the link for the recording stops working, and nobody can listen to it. You will also be unable to retrieve deleted recordings.

Improve sales performance

Use your recordings to improve your sales performance. Go back to old recordings to listen to how you’ve improved month over month and analyze new recordings immediately with your colleagues.

Repetition and analysis are the best teachers, and this is made easy with Reverb Record.