Reconceptualizing Education With Critical Thinking, Bias Awareness, Heuristics, and Metacognition

Reconceptualizing Education With Critical Thinking, Bias Awareness, Heuristics, and Metacognition

The author’s views are entirely his or her own and may not always reflect the views of Reverb.

Promoting critical thinking (specifically bias awareness, heuristics, and metacognition) is vital to improving education.

These are foundational concepts for learning and applying knowledge and are underutilized in the current system.

Much of our education is focused on rote memorization rather than learning how to critically think.

Without the foundation of critical thinking, we rely on external sources of information, and we simply regurgitate what we remember, which is often flawed.

Integrating critical thinking

I have integrated education on these topics and how to read research studies in my residency education at Emory University.

I frequently reference biases and the importance of doubt and curiosity in every lecture I provide, regardless of the setting.

Fostering curious learners needs to become standard in education.

It’s challenging to reconceptualize how we approach information. Cognitive dissonance is ever-present, and the current pandemic has highlighted a gross lack of statistics training in our current education system.

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